Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's Cold! Help the Homeless & Working Poor!

As you recently experienced it can get MIGHTY cold in this province. While we experience it when going from our car to our house there are those that experience it all throughout the day and worse, the night. Even the working poor can’t afford proper mitts/toques/coats/socks while they wait for a bus or work in the cold.

The Mustard Seed Edmonton has put together a Christmas Wish-list of items they are hoping to collect to help get the homeless and working poor though the winter and I was hoping you could help me collect some of these items.

I’ve attached the wish List for your perusal but some of the top items they need are the following:

Long underwear
Winter Coats
Bus Passes
Wool Blankets
Pocket Hand Warmers
Travel Mugs
$5 Coffee gift cards
Hot Chocolate
Lip Balm

Some of the other items on the Wish List are also geared towards small children and teens if you are more interested in helping out the children.

I know Christmas is an expensive time of year for people, as well as a very busy one, but if you are able to donate ANY item off the list please let me know. I am HAPPY to pick up anything you wish to donate and then I'll drop it all off at The Mustard Seed. 

All items have to be delivered to The Mustard Seed by a certain date so I’m hoping to have all items dropped off to my house OR for me to pick it up at your house by Friday, December 10th.  

Hopefully together we can make this winter pass just a little bit easier for our fellow Edmontonians that need some help.

Thanks folks!

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